We are mindful of how objects impact life.

SiLL's offerings make more than a good impression, they embrace family life and togetherness.

They were also designed and developed with the environment in mind. SiLL placemats are made of recyclable material and are packaged in a reusable, drawstring bag made of 100-percent cotton.

Our placemats will not lose form after repeated use and washings (just soap and water!), and they are easy to grip, store and clean, making it easy for children to get involved in (and likely enjoy), setting and clearing the table.

Designs, shapes and colors are interchangeable, so pulling a pretty table together is a breeze. 

Most importantly, you and your loved ones will benefit beyond measure by sharing a meal, and time, around a table. According to experts, gathering around a table for a meal is where and when the magic happens (see links below), and we couldn’t agree more. It’s time to set down our devices, set our tables, and rediscover the key to happiness:
personal connection. 

In a 2021 position statement, the American Academy of Pediatrics urges pediatricians to “inform parents of the benefits of the Family Table and regularly encourage its implementation” because, as they attest, “when families regularly share meals together, everyone benefits ─ the children, parents and even the community. Making the ‘Family Table’ a priority from an early age can serve as a ‘vaccine’ against many of the harms that come to children from a hurried lifestyle.”

SiLL SIDENOTE: SiLL is thanks to a handful of women with whom I work, collaborate and create. I chose to work only with women in the fabrication, production, packaging and sale of SiLL. This decision was not always the most cost-effective option; however, for me, the more important investment was the long-term relationships developed with these inspiring women. My enormous thanks to Brieana, Joanna, Anri, Jenn, Michelle, Terri, Renée, Lydia and Lindsay. Last but not least: my angels, Sage and Leigh, who test run every placemat before it goes into print.

91% of parents notice their family is less stressed when they share family meals together

— American Heart Association, 2022

While SiLL is meant to offer placemats for all ages, meals and moments, the intention is much more far reaching. Experts tell us the world will be better if we share more meals around the table with loved ones.

SiLL makes that idea easy — and even more beautiful.

“The shared meal is no small thing. It is a foundation of family life, the place where our children learn the art of conversation and acquire the habits of civilization: sharing, listening, taking turns, navigating differences, arguing without offending.”

― Michael Pollan